Jacquline Bracamontes
Jacqueline je katolíčka - cestovala do Spojených Štátov s náboženským hnutím ,,Legionary of Christ", kde prešla ,,duchovnou prípravou". Po skončení štúdií cestovala sama do Francúzka, kde sa učila, ako inak, po francúzsky.
Po návrate do Mexika sa zapísala do inštitútu ITESCO (Technological Institute of Superior Studies of the West). Popri štúdiu začala pracovať ako profesionálna modelka v Guadalajare, neskôr fotila pre rôzne módne časopisy. Vďaka tejto práci si ju všimla bývalá Miss-Universe a vtedajšia predsedkyňa súťaže krásy Nuestra Belleza Mexico, Lupita Jones a kontaktovala ju. Jacqueline tak v roku 2001 úspešne reprezentovala Mexiko na súťaži krásy Miss Universe, v Puerto Rico.
Od roku 2002 pracuje ako športová komentátorka vo Vision A.M., spoločne so známou žurnalistkou Adelou Micha. Popri práci športovej novinárky sa rozhodla splniť si svoj najväčší sen - stať sa herečkou. V roku 2002 absolvovala Centrum hereckej

Přehled komentářů
Sexual relationship is a pleasurable cooperation relationship with one?s partner. If anything fails with this cooperation process, it can be enough to derail the relationship. But whatever can occur that is certainly unpredictable. Moreover, able to keep a healthy sexual relationship means keeping oneself physically healthy. So any kind of sexual disfunction needs to be given utmost care. One such health hazard is erection dysfunction commonly present in men. Unable to keep a proper and prolonged penile erection contributes to erection dysfunction. This is infact a life threatening problem for maintaining a healthy sexual relationship. So when there arises such a problem it?s cognizant of treat it in lieu of sitting quiet.
The choice between your various available treatments involve treatment having a proper medicine. Response to a dental agent such as Levitra can be quite effective in this context. Studies show that male impotence is mainly because of insufficient blood flow for the penis? veins and insufficient stimulation too. Practising oral therapy of Levitra boosts the rate of blood flow that gradually stimulates the penis resulting in a hard erection, adequate with an intercourse.
Levitra is certainly one such drug which is seen to be effective. Clinically it has been proved it even conditions patients who suffer from various health issues like high blood pressure levels, high cholesterol levels or diabetes. A lot of men, who took Levitra for the first time, responded positively for gaining high rate of success. Besides, it has been also found that it can be also taken with medicines utilized to treat other health concerns.
(sima, 23. 12. 2008 20:23)
ahoj maribel si nadherna mamta rada :)))))))))))
si super
the best actresses
(lili, 2. 12. 2008 10:59)cawes vsetci!kdo to zika ze je spata??ten potom nema vkus!!
nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnno to
(maria, 2. 4. 2008 15:44)
ta rubi co napisala o jackie že je spata je ale lesbicka
(daniela Hlozakova, 2. 4. 2008 15:41)TERAZ SOM TU čITALA KOMENTAR OD JEDNEJ SLEčINKY žE JAKIE JE VRAJ PRE NU SPATA. TAK ABY TA PYčA VEDELA žE JACKIE NIEJE spata ako ta ktora to o nej napisala. radšej keby sa ta slecna pozrela na tu svoju sprostu a spatu rubi
super herecka
(daniela, 14. 3. 2008 19:52)
jacguline je krasna . je vinikajuca mam ju velmi rada . najviac sa mi od nej paci telenovela rany lasky. mam11 rokov a velmi ju obdivujem. je superrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
je naj
(anita, 16. 12. 2007 14:47)
Je fakt atraktívna,má talent.muži s ktorými hrá sú ešte lepší.
(Rubi, 5. 8. 2007 10:31)Jezis to je ina spata xDDDD normalne revem od smiechu na nej, chudera
miranda san lorente
(bara, 5. 7. 2007 9:59)jacqueline je moja najoblubenejsia herecka.je proste superrrrrrrrr.je velmi pekna a super stvarnuje postavy v roznych serialoch.hra vyborne!!!mam ju rada
Levitra Helps To Keep A Sexual Relation Alive
(KevinSek, 18. 9. 2018 11:51)